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Virginia Abernethy


Virginia Deane Abernethy

Welcome to the online website of our community that expands its helping hands around the world. We aim to build the right educational opportunities for remote regions in the world while providing the amenities we can. Our international community of over 60,000 members and volunteers brings the news from the people who need your support today. Connect with us to volunteer for the programs in the best ways you can.

Publications by Virginia Deane Abernethy

You can find research papers, reports, news, and articles that encourage people to live a better lifestyle. Our online platform offers the best lifestyle education that people need today to feel better and valuable.

Her Goals

Magna Charta the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights are reminders of a long tradition and the continuing struggle to uphold the rule of law and liberty. These Founding principles of the Republic would decay if ever it were assumed that they were not the responsibility of every generation to protect.

As Others View Us

We are a growing community of people worldwide who work to share our experiences, research, and stories among supportive members.

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